Sunday, January 27, 2013

Losing a Friend.

Past and gone
Yet always known
Always felt
Not necessarily missed
But at times, wished.
Wished things had been different
Maybe wished Id never changed my mind
That only friends we'd remained
But why over spilt milk
Should I cry

It's true-
we made better friends than anything more
What pushes us then to hope and pray
why must one's best friend be one's mate?
I miss the friend!
Suddenly tumble on memories old
Remember a kind word or comment left
A small compliment maybe to feel it was true.

And then I miss the friend
I see you struggle with it too
Fate so cruel to have us placed
Not in the same city alone, but in the same sphere
We come face to face
And avert our eyes
One in anger the other in shame
But both are left grasping for that time

That time when we spoke for hours on end
Took walks and wished never to part
All our friendship out of the window gone
no ways to undo the events of the past.
I wish we could speak again
You try to speak but it's not the same
I feel you're trying to make amends
Or out of forced will you take the time

Wish it were'nt so
Makes me wonder where the "true friend" went
Or did i misread the signs as always
was being just friends never your intent?
Did you string me along and- did I blindly believe
Why are'nt things more black and white?
Grey's confuse me- I then believe what I like
And before I realise, it's too late
I've also lost what I thought was mine.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Long time, but Im back now

So the net connection at my place was shaky, for the last 2 months and hence I was not able to post anything. Got a datacard yesterday finally and im so excited that I have the net again :P Though most people will be like really, she took 2 months to get a datacard. And for that I have only one brilliant friend of mine to thank. So this dude told me that he would be getting a datacard issued from the company and I could take his personal one so I dont have to invest too much. I gladly agreed cos honestly it would just have been a waste of money. Now later that week, I had a word about my internet problems with my RM and he very nicely said drop me an email and I will have one issued to you. But that stupid friend of mine went and threw a huge tantrum about how I should not have done that when he had said he was going to lend me his datacard. And so I didnt drop a mail asking for one to be issued from the office. And then this brilliant friend of mine, his datacard took forever to arrive, by the time it did arrive, he went off on leave for 3 weeks, then he came back and was messed up cos his girlfriend is breaking up with him and then finally got off his ass and went and collected the datacard from the office and handed over his to me... So that is why I took two months to get internet connection, something that can be done in one day's time. Anyways, now that I have it, you will see a whole lot more activity from me over here, I promise. And now time to get ready and go to work.  I will catch you guys later with a more sensible post soon i hope.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Under Attack

And you may think I'm talking war,
But to think so simply helps not my cause
For external affaris are all thought of
What no one pays heed to are internal faults.

A girl gets stripped of all her decency and more
You may say this is a known ill
But that it takes the most barbaric force
For us to take note,, is this not us under seige?

Basic rights violated, Basic needs ignored
All our morals flushed down the drain
And we live with the mentality of survival of the best
We survived today, the one hurt was someone else
Such apathy, such mistrust in fate

For we seem to believe
it would never be us,
It happens to the careless, it happens to those who provoke!!
It happens to people who take risks unknown.

And so people mourn the dead
protest, show anger and say the right things
while keeping these thoughts in their heads
I say one thing people, you are no safe.

These criminals lurk within the safety of these false concepts
It's not the external measures but what out society promotes and fosters that protects.
So teach your kids values, every little effort helps
Tell them right from wrong and pray your neighbour does the same
We are no longer at most harm from outside
Its our society, beliefs,customs under attack from within