Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lonely on the way up!

They did not like her growth

So they try to pull her down the steps those

Stories of her abound

Things she never said nor found!

She plods on nevertheless

Trying to focus on those who know her best

But day by day that number dwindle

As they find their mates who need them next

Jealousy was supposed to be

The past time of a wrench

Here however she finds

Jealousy is what all around her know best

She still tries to maintain her calm

And be happy with what she’s got

But she’s stunned everytime

Someone she thought knew her stings her next

For what lesson is life trying to teach her

That wicked people exist she knows

But if they want her to turn next

That’s a path she is not willing to take.


The dreadful gang rape of Dec, caught the whole world's attention. The barbarianism of that act, left everyone connected or not apalled and angry. But that is not the only legacy it leaves behind. It was a very strong reminder that the Indian society on the whole and the North Indian society has very little respect for women.

Female foeticide, trafficking, dowry deaths, it leaves me seething and wondering what does it really mean to be a woman in India. And the sad reality is that India is a whole different ball game  for women than it is for men.

Is there a solution to it? the glaring answer is no. With the way the population is exploding, there is absolutely no way the situation is going to improve. The upper middle class and rich are comparatively in a better place than the others, however they better start taking precautions too, cause its no longer the vulnerable that these desperate bastards are after anymore, your status can no longer protect you , the mere fact that you are a woman makes you vulnerable.

The impact can be felt everywhere. The fact that I now look at almost every man walking in my vicinity as a potential rapist is something I don't like but is now ingrained in my mind. No longer will you see me with my ear-plugs plugged in walking away and enjoying myself, I find myself on full alert all the time. And it must be disturbing to the guys I glare at too. I'm sure I make it very obvous what I think of them and their kind just by looking at them spitefully. And Im not alone, most women have adopted this wary approach to them. I remember one of my friends from Bangalore asking me on his visit to Delhi, why do all the women always frown here? Well I think I have just found the answer. I would much rather glare a guy away than take the chance of having my life cut short.

The world's just become a much sadder place.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I'm Back, once again :P

Hello people. I was afraid the readership would have dwindled by now seeing my inactivity, but I'm so glad I still seem to be getting some viewership :) So winters are over in Delhi and how. It feels like I'm in the middle of May already.. Not such a good thing because Delhi is really hot in the summers.

 Well anyways. All my friends got married last month, more or less and thats what caused the long absence. That and the fact that I used to either go to work or come back and curl up in the blanket in my desperate attemot to get away from the cold. Anyways one good thing is I am now over the" oh my god everyone is getting married and im still single"  crap thanks to the fact that even after my friends got married not much has really changed in my life and it still continues the way it was earlier. So that's one fear come and gone.

And the next new thing in my life is, Ive started watching One Tree Hill; yes I know its really really old but Ive not really watched it before so what difference does it make? :P I really like it. Its a nice gripping story so far.

 And I'm really looking forward to getting out of Delhi and back to Mumbai. Please pray that this actually happens. I miss Mumbai. It was much safer than Delhi.  I wish the December Rape had not happened. It has just made me more paranoid. im literally glaring at everyone on the road like he's a potebtial rapist and I'm sure the guys are feeling it too. I feel sorry about making them all feel like dirt but hey better safe than sorry. Im gonna look out for myself first. But its pretty off-putting for me too so praying really really hard I get back to Mumbai.